Our DNA flanks expertise and vision.

Ingeco operates under precise guidelines. Our method and organization are built on a precise objective: providing a complete waste disposal service that guarantees quality and efficiency in every part. The company is controlled by I.M.G.2 srl, which is active in environmental services and also owns Esposito Servizi Ecologici. This relationship has the great advantage of increasing Ingeco’s expertise and expanding its scope of operations, benefiting clients.

We wanted to shape Ingeco’s working method in this way because, after many years in the environmental services sector, we believe that only constant attention to each stage, the human quality of experts, technicians, and operators, and the evolution of technology can fully meet the needs of companies, institutions, and the environment.
We are professionals with solid expertise and people with a clear vision of how this work should be done. That is why, alongside waste treatment activities, we also offer consulting and transportation to take charge of the business as a whole. We lean on three cornerstones:

Ingeco Tecnologie Ambientali

Behind the acronyms, there are people.

It is individuals who make up companies and make them what they are. Therefore, we always act in the first person, listen before responding, and engage by putting our faces to it. We consider that every need of the companies that come to us is the request of people. That is also why every response we give is always a personal response, from individual to individual, with the attention and regard that a personal response deserves.


Ingeco Tecnologie Ambientali

There is no quality without trust.

Operating in an industry like ours, we believe strongly in the importance of trust. We work so that companies that rely on us do so with the confidence that every process, every treatment, every step is always and, in all cases, carried out with total transparency and respect for people and the environment.

Ingeco Tecnologie Ambientali

We always have our goals in mind.

While working according to proven procedures, we keep our goals constantly before our eyes. Above all:
- we always establish effective partnerships with our customers.
- we always seek the most suitable recovery or disposal solutions for the individual customer.
- whenever possible, we minimize disposal for more significant recovery.
- we minimize and optimize transportation and related costs and pollution.


Ingeco Tecnologie Ambientali

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